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Gateway Longview

Updated: Mar 1, 2021

Kamar moved to Gateway Longview's Supervised Independent Living Program (SILP) in April 2019. Upon moving in, his main goal was to obtain a High School diploma, but due to some obstacles he dropped out in January 2020 and began working full time. Kamar explored his educational options and decided to enroll in a TASC program (Test Assessing Secondary Completion), through WNY Youth Build which he began in September 2020. In just three months, Kamar was able to take his TASC exam and passed on his first try. Kamar also completed the first part of his Hospitality Certification and has earned his certification which will allow him to gain stable employment upon completing the program.

Kamar has made excellent strides towards achieving his goals and has come so far in the last two years. Thank you to the Gateway Longview team that help continue our mission to Protect, Enrich and Give Hope to the children and families Gateway Longview serves.

Great job Kamar!

Support the Gateway Longview mission: Protect-Enrich-Give Hope

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