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Gateway Longview

2021 Hope Award - Maria Watkins

Updated: Jun 4, 2021

We spoke with Maria (and Brittany!) about Maria’s fostering story. Maria is a mother to four, grandmother to nine, and has welcomed two little ones into her home with love, grace, and a bit of spunk! Thank you Maria, you are #gatewaygreat! Click below to watch her interview!

From our Foster Team:

Maria Watkins has been a certified foster parent through Gateway-Longview for three years, and she is receiving the Give Hope award through our agency. She came on board to foster with the Hope of helping children and families whose lives have become involved in the foster care system. Her respect, understanding and ability to interact meaningfully with birth families gives them the Hope that they can overcome the obstacles that occurred which led to their children being placed into foster care. Maria’s soft spoken and gentle mannerisms make foster children and their families feel comfortable and safe which leads to them being open and appreciative towards her. She is also so wonderful in dealing with children who have increased behavioral challenges and can show them love and patience, even through the most difficult times. She gives children who have suffered trauma Hope that they can work through all the feelings and experiences they have had in the past so that one day they will be emotionally strong and truly believe in their own self-worth.

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